Loyalty program

This year Modern Glass will be 18 years old. The main achievement in all these years of work is our satisfied clients. We want to make more and more clients happier every year. We really appreciate those clients who constantly work with Modern Glass, place all or almost all of their orders, participate regularly in our surveys, and, most importantly, are loyal clients who recommend Modern Glass to their colleagues and partners. To express our gratitude, we have created an MG Loyalty program.
According to this program, a Modern Glass client can obtain a PLATINUM, VIP or BUSINESS status and use privileges which correspond to his or her status. The higher status you have, the more privileges you get.
Cooperation with all other clients is on standard terms:
- request processing: 15 business hours
- minimum order shall be at least 50 square meters and contain no more than two items (product mix)
1. Touchup work / rework on the items
2. Glass partitions made of colorless glass: 8, 10, 12 mm thickness
3. Electrically heated glass products
4. Products with silk-screen or digital printing over 30 sq m
The list of loyal clients and their status are reviewed every six months. This means that even if you are working with us on standard terms now, in the future you can achieve your PLATINUM, VIP or BUSINESS status and get your deserved bonuses.
How to join MG LOYALTY?
1. Place an order with us for at least 3,000,000 RUB
2. Place all or almost all your orders with us during one year
3. Recommend us to your colleagues and partners as a reliable supplier
4. Participate in our surveys which are conducted every six months
Which are the advantages of the MG LOYALTY program?
We remake an item damaged through the client’s fault, you pay for raw materials only (once per project) | + | + | - |
Priority order processing | 8 business hours | 8 business hours | 8 business hours |
Partner diploma | + | + | + |
For typical project glass, glass utilization ratio variation from 2 to 5% is not charged (not more than 10% of the project) |
5% |
3% |
2% |
Touchup of 10-40 sq m is done as per contract price without recalculation for glass utilization ratio (once per project) | 40 sq m | 25 sq m | 10 sq m |
Financial bonuses*** | + | + | + |
***Financial bonuses
The bonus system is available for Russian Federation residentsPLATINUM | VIP | BUSINESS | |
Limit | 3,000,000 RUB | 500,000 RUB | 200,000 RUB |
Delayed payment | no more than 30 days | no more than 14 days | 50% payment before shipping |
Conditions of acquiring |
Order money value | From 100,000 RUB | ||
Pre-payment | 50% |
Thank you for choosing Modern Glass during all these years!