EMR shielding glass
EMR shielding glass an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) protection function and pertains to shielding devices. Protection is carried out by reflection, i.e. shielding of electromagnetic radiation. The glass product is characterized by shielding factor and, as a result, EMR attenuation degree.
Modern Glass has produced and tested a double-pane IGU sample. Sample testing was carried out according to GOST 50414-92 requirements in the frequency band from 300 MHz to 18 GHz. The test has confirmed the minimum design shielding factor of 20 dB which a 100-fold EMR flow density reduction. The use of various materials and designs makes it possible to produce glass products, including insulated glass units, with shielding factor up to 60 dB.
Modern Glass produces electromagnetic shielding glass under the MG EMR brand.
MG EMR applications
- Protection of working personnel against electromagnetic radiations generated by processing equipment (provided visual contact is maintained)
- Protection of the building interior against electromagnetic radiation generated by external radiators
MG EMR advantages
Preserving transparency of glass products
Decorative design (image printing)
Extra noise attenuation available
Production of EMR shielding IGUs
Modern Glass production capabilities
size of insulated glass units: 3,000x6,000 mm
Max size of laminated glass:
3,000x6,000 mm
3,000x6,000 mm
Core material for MG EMR production: flat glass with low-emissivity coating.